



Training for 科林大学 Employees Involved in the 第九条 Complaint Resolution 过程
至少,所有2022世界杯买球盘口的员工都参与了 第九条 Complaint Resolution 过程 will receive annual training on issues related to prohibited conduct as well as how to conduct an investigation that protects victim safety and 促进问责制. 本年度培训包括但不限于信息 讨论以下议题:

1. Applicable laws, regulations, and federal regulatory guidance, including updates 制定新的地方、州和联邦法规;
2. The scope of 科林大学’s equal opportunity, civil rights, and sexual harassment 政策;
3. The definitions of dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based harassment, retaliation, sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking;
4. 科林大学’s and the State of Texas’ definitions of consent to sexual activity;
5. Treating complainants and respondents with fairness and equity while upholding 他们的正当程序权利;
6. 识别和防止内隐偏见;
7. 避免实际的和感知的利益冲突;
8. 公正客观;
9. 差别待遇及其影响;
10. 报告、保密和隐私要求;
11. Providing appropriate advocacy and interim measures while maintaining confidentiality;

12. 进行调查的基本程序规则;

13. 有关证据及其在侦查过程中应当如何使用;
14. 询问投诉人、被告和证人的适当技巧;

15. Conducting thorough, reliable, impartial, and trauma-informed investigations, hearings, and informal resolution processes that protect the safety of complainants 受访者在促进问责制的同时;
16. Determining relevance of questions, weighing evidence, and assessing credibility;
17. Creating an informal resolution agreement that is non-punitive and contains acceptable 投诉人和被投诉人的条件;
18. 制作公正概括有关证据的调查报告;
19. Use of technology during the Live Hearing phase of the 第九条 Formal Resolution 过程;
20. Rendering findings and generating clear, concise, and evidence-based rationales;
21. Determining appropriate disciplinary sanctions to be imposed on respondents;
22. Implementing appropriate and situation-specific remedies for complainants; and
23. 进行上诉.





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The information and materials provided during this program were for educational purposes 仅作法律建议,不作法律建议. 与会者应寻求独立法律 就所提出的问题提供咨询意见.